Monday 12 January 2015

Sick Day tips

Due to having blood tests this morning I got the day off school (ka ching) but its surprising how bored you can become. I've started to binge watch Secret Eaters and I feel like I've got bruises on my bum. Here are some ideas and tips for surviving boring days.


Homemade chicken noodle soup (or a mugshot if you're feeling lazy)
Ben and Jerrys cookie dough ice cream, straight out of the tub because portion sizes suck
Werthers originals. I've just discovered that my little sister has stashed away tons of these sweet from Christmas and I have been sneakily pinching them...
Hot squash or hot orange juice. If you get easily cold like myself then you have to try this. It's like a nurse in a mug

Or if you want a more healthy, nutritious option try stewed apples with raisins:

1. Peel two apples, chop into slices and add to a saucepan
2.Add a few sprinkles of sugar or ,for a healthier alternative, agave syrup or stevia and  a tbsp of water over the top
3. On a medium heat, leave the apples to stew for around 4-5 minutes and add a handful of raisins and cinnamon if you wish to
4. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes or until the apples are light and fluffy looking.


When I'm ill I enjoy watching a nostalgic disney or an up beat film to make me feel a little more alive some of my favourites are
Annie (the old, older or new version, it doesnt really matter!)
Walking on sunshine
Toy Story 1,2 or 3
High School Musical marathon
Frozen sing along (to be honest it's impossible to watch frozen without singing)

Other activities

Have a full blown pamper session including face mask, bath, pedicure, manicure and using up lots of little bottles of body wash that you got from a birthday disco 2 years ago
Create a scrap book or start ANOTHER journal about the miseries of being ill
If your family don't mind catching your illness (if its infectious) then bake some cookies or cupcakes or cook dinner for them for when they get home
Go on youtube and pretend you're a professional west-end star and belt out your favourite Les Mis song (this may only appeal to people who can recite every actor and extra in the film and stage production!)

If today's the day when you're ill then I hope you get better soon and you're bright and cheery tomorrow!

Thursday 8 January 2015

My 2015 bucket list

Today I'm gonna write down my 2015 goals/ bucket list as I think it's important to not let a year go by without doing new things or things you love.

1. Find a healthy relationship with food. I'm not talking about losing or gaining weight but about realizing when I'm hungry and enjoying food not fearing it because, come on, its chocolate for goodness sake!

2. To get over my fear of socializing. Sounds stupid as talking is one of humans natural habits but I hate it. I feel awkward and judged and annoying and I know they are all irrational fears and I intend to get over that.

3. Throw a fancy dress party. No explanation needed. Currently planning a Grease dress up party with my best friend...

4. Audition for a TV extra or commercial

5. Go to a concert

6. Do a colour run with friends

Okay, I'm not inspired at the moment and I have discovered that I have NO aspirations!
Thank you for reading, its means the whole wide world x

Monday 5 January 2015

What I got for Christmas 2414

I think you all know what the disclaimer will be on this blog because every other youtuber/blogger says this, but I am in no way bragging and I am so grateful for all my friends and family

I'm only going to include the items that you genuinely might be interested in (sorry mum, I really do like the hello kitty pants)

1. Wii Fit
2. The tester benefit perfumes in Lee Lee, Bella, Noelle and Gina.
3. A 5 year Q&A journal.
4. A pearl choker from Dorothy Perkins
5.Snowmen PJs
6. Phone Powerbank
7. Real Techniques Core Collection
8.Eat Pretty Nutrition Book
9. Girl Boss book
10. Costa mug
11. Hello Kitty TY beanie baby in an elf costume
12.Rabbit PJ bottoms
13. Lots of topshop, new look, costa and itunes vouchers
14. The conjuring

Saturday 3 January 2015

Eating Disorder awareness

Hello, I am Lowri  and I have anorexia. From looking at me you would never know because eating disorders are mental illnesses that only sometimes have an effect on your physical health and appearance. I am now physically recovered and I’m working on my mental health but 6 months ago it was a whole other story. I was being dragged to one doctor to the next, having blood tests, checking blood pressure, not being able to participate in sports because I would get too cold (in summer) and more importantly – hurting all my friends and family and myself. Eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia and ednos (eating disorder not otherwise specified) and affect girls and boys and any age from 6 – 90 however it is most common in adolescent girls. It is estimated that only 10% of eating disorders are anorexic, 40% bulimic and the 50% ednos.
Eating disorders can begin by any trigger such as bullying, sexual abuse, family troubles or just the odd comment of ‘you look fat’. But not every person will react to this trigger. Only people with this disordered mind will react to the trigger. Say if you decided to starve yourself because you thought you were a bit overweight, someone without the genetics of an eating disorder would realise it was silly after skipping one meal. However if you had a disordered mind you would get attached to the pain you felt starving or purging (making yourself sick) and carry on. The desired outcome may not always to become skinny, it may be because you felt you didn’t deserve food or that you want to prove somebody wrong.

Anorexia had the highest death rate of mental illnesses the reason being that health complications such as organ failure, heart failure, malnutrition can kill but sufferers are also more likely to commit suicide as a result of the pain they are going through. Less than half of sufferers will completely recover from their condition, around a third will continue to live with their illness but maintain at a low healthy weight  so they can’t be forced into recovering and around 20% will ultimately die from their illness.

You cannot tell if someone has an eating disorder just by looking at them. While it is true that some sufferers of anorexia are severely underweight, some are not, and the majority of eating disorder sufferers do not have anorexia. Those suffering from bulimia may be within the normal weight range or may be overweight, while those with binge eating disorder are often overweight. However for an indicator to as whether you have an eating disorder, Professor John Morgan created the SCOFF questionnaire, if you answer yes to 2 or more of the following questions it is advised for you to seek help

Do you ever make yourself Sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
Do you worry you have lost Control over how much you eat?
Have you recently lost more than One stone in a three month period?
Do you believe yourself to be Fat when others say you are too thin?

Would you say that Food dominates your life? 

If you would like to contact Beat (the leading charity for eating disorders) then the number is: 0845 6341414
Or find out more about eating disorders and ow you can help then look at the BEAT website

Remember, recovery is the only option.

Friday 2 January 2015

About the girl behind the screen

Hello I am Lowri and I am 13 years old from England. Now you know who I am I'll reveal more about myself in a little Q&A (questions from my two instagram accounts @recoveringlowri and @akalowri ) 

Q&A (or Q and Slay if you understand the reference then 10 points to you)

What are your hobbies/interests?

I'm just another one of those drama and dance fanatics who knows hardly any pop music yet can recite the whole of wicked word for word. I also have a weird love for walking to unknown places and getting lost, that may be fueled by my eating disorder but its a hobby nevertheless

How did your eating disorder begin?

I haven't explained that I am recovering from anorexia that luckily didn't get very far and because of anorexia I also suffer with depression and anxiety. It all began when I received vile hand written notes in my school bag telling me to 'go die' and 'fat' and I never really recovered from receiving them. But also I am more susceptible to an eating disorder and it is in my genetics so it is not all due to the bullying, it just triggered the self-hate.

What do you love doing most?

I love shopping and busking with my sister Maddy. She plays the guitar and I sing and we don't get a lot of money but it fun all the same. We then grab a Costa (Costa>Starbucks any day #sorrynotsorry) then we both volunteer in different charity shops which is always interesting seeing the different items that are given in!

What options would you like to take for your GCSE's next year?

I think I'm definitely going to take Drama and triple Science but I am unsure whether to take Art, Textiles or Food technology. Like most people my age I am still unsure what career path I want to take but i'm thinking of Radio Journalist/Presenter, a fashion PR or a graphics designer for food companies (bc free food, ya get me?)

Who do you look up to?

It sounds corny but probably my sister, she is the head girl at my school yet still manages to have a social life and really doesn't care what people think of her.Then I also admire Fearne Cotton, Tanya Burr, Julie Andrews and Idina Menzel.

Thats it for now but I'm going to try and post three times a week until i run out of ideas! Thank you for listening to my rambles it is very muchly appreciated 
Lowri x